Monday 24 February 2014

Another year older!!

Hi Peeps!

Well I am overwhelmed with all the emails and private messages via facebook regarding the 'letter to my younger self'. It seems that that blogpost touched a nerve with you all. It must be something to do with being older and what we know now . Ain't hindsight a great thing - am going to see if I can market it at all.

I actually appreciated all the emails and messages but do feel free to commment below the blogs too. And this blog finds me another year older. Have just spent a brilliant Saturday with my best friend who spoilt me rotten. Love her to bits. We attended a gin cocktail making class and whilst not a lover of gin - it's more the perfumed smell that I don't like - however adding cola to it does mask the smell! A remark was made that that made me 'a classy lady' - err obviously, actually using gin as the base for the cocktails did produce some lovely ones. What should one drink with gin?

After having a great day- I ended up getting the bus home and had to spoil a great day by leaving my shopping on the bus! I believe it had something to do with that last glass of wine but I can't be sure. Believe me and the bestie imbibed a tad too much!  Anyways my shopping has been handed into the lost property section at the bus station. So thank you to the honest people that did that. Have to admit that in my whole life I have never once left or lost anything but trust me to do this . At least for once, I didn't succumb to my usual bout of drunk calling and texting. My wean, goalieboy thought that this was extremely hilarious. Will store this up and remind him when he does it in the future.

Have any of you been tuning into that programme running on channel 4 called 'Benefits Street'?  The programme follows people who live in a street and are on benefits, how they live and what they do/want from life. Well it started a huge discussion in our workroom about benefits and food. There was an actual live debate regarding it which included politicians, residents from that street and other people who have been living on benefits and have their views on it. Edwina Curry was asked to give her view along with Jack Monroe who writes a blog based on living on £10's a week.

Edwina stated that it was fine for people in this day and age to have no money to buy food and that anyone could just walk into a Foodbank and get food to feed their family!! Err no you can't Edwina - you need a voucher in order to do that and that voucher is given from agencies. Jack Monroe was great at getting her point over but Edwina tried to bring this young girl down/try to shut her up by making disparaging remarks about the girl's family. So not right and Edwina you tosspot,  you really should know better and maybe stick to keeping hens for your egg throwing antics!

Our workroom discussion has seen us all getting behind the local foodbank as they do not have enough food to go around their community. It's something that I feel strongly about as everyone has the right to a hot meal or ingredients to make a basic meal for their family. What do you think about this? Do you think it's right in this day and age?

Jack Monroe's blog is excellent as it details and gives recipes on what she has made to eke out her shopping budget. I have tried some of her recipes and they are great, tasty and cheap. Check out her blog - 'a girl called Jack'. It's fantastic. W

I had to go to the doctors recently as I wasn't feeling quite tiptop and she prescribed 'dom perignon' on the NHS. Total result for me!! Imagine the look on my face when I was handed tablets from the pharmacy called - 'donperidon' - not impressed!!! A life sipping champagne completely eradicated in four seconds!!So not fair.

And a wee choon for you

Well I hope you are all staying our of trouble - till next time!

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