Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Revenge, friends, books and how time flies....................

Sorry Peeps - I can't believe how quickly time is going in! It's been pandemonium at my 'real' job - trying to get everything ticked off and finished before the next cohort of newbies joins us. And I've also been busy catching up on a box set of 44 episodes of Revenge. I managed to finish that last night and I'm now completely up to date with it. I don't know if I like the series or not.  I love box sets - they are completely addictive and beat the dross that is currently being shown on our tv!

So how is everyone's resolutions coming along? I've managed to do four sessions at the gym - with two of those being early mornings before work. But I tell you it's easier to manage and do it in the  virtual world of my own mind but when it actually gets to the reality of doing it - it's completely different. Why is that? (must be an age thing!)

So my resolutions are sort of going well. Eating healthyish and trying to stay away from the biscuits but the jammie dodgers, bourbon creams and shortbread keep screaming out my name every time I pass the fridge in our workroom. So much so that the other staff members comment that the biscuit box only knows my name! Well I used to have the same problem with the wine racks!

I noticed when reading the Tuesday gossip magazines today that - the Samantha Brick war of words has resurrected its ugly head again with Denise Welch and Carol Mcgiffin slating her for her views about them and Loose Women! I loved Carol's tweet reply to her - 'mm you're nothing but a subservient housewife who lives in France!' Think Carol must be reading my blog as I believe that's what I said not two weeks ago!

That Samantha Brick is a toxic human being and we all know someone or have someone in our lives who is toxic. I had a 'friend' who was like that. She was an authority on everything and you had to do as she said or woe betide you! She even organised everyone and everything but she is what I also refer to as a 'fairweather' friend - pretends to be there for you but isn't really but it's a different story when they need people around them. They also tend to drop their 'current friend of the moment' when someone far more 'exciting' comes along. Over the last few months I've had an audit of my friends and the ones that I have are wonderful, there for you, put up with your behaviour, moods and rants as well as all the good stuff. They are truly important to me and I let them know that I appreciate them. They've been my friends for years - so I must be doing something right?!

Those of you who know me will realise that magoo was giving his marching orders a couple of  months ago as I realised that he was just a freeloading, selfish person and I didn't need that in my life.The moths would try to fly from his wallet when he rarely opened it!! But more recently, I was asked out and I've been on a couple of dates with a new guy and we will refer to him as Hamish. And yes he is the stereotype of tall and bald but he does have a sense of humour. So far it's been a coffee date and then a dinner date and we've got on well both times. So slow slow slow is the name of the game here.

I had to go on a training course on Saturday for my work and I forgot how much I love travelling by train as you can sit and people watch. It's amazing the things that you see and hear. A guy on his mobile having a rant at his girlfriend. Why do they feel the need to have an audience? I am also extremely nosey and love seeing what other people read. The girl sitting opposite me was reading a book called, 'The perks of being a wallflower!' - eh??? Sounds riveting like! Need to look that one up on Amazon! Is it only me that enjoys this pursuit?

So this brings me to books.I love reading and I know a lot of my friends read books too but I'm finding it extremely difficult to find a book that I really want to read. I have a kindle and the downside of this is that if you don't quite like the start of a book then you just go onto the next one. I currently have 358 books on my new kindle so there is a choice for me but nothing is grabbing my attention. Can any of you recommend anything?

The quote for this time is very apt:
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
Elbert Hubbard
A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.”
Elbert Hubbard

Till next time




June said...

Really enjoying your new blogs. Books - like you I have not found one that "jump out at me" - have read a couple but nowt to rave about. C'mon spill, who is the new man in your life. Love you 'Mawdoll@

Marion Barrie said...

Love the blog - and good luck with Hamish - just remember to be true to yourself and have lots of fun xxx

Unknown said...

I'm reading The Universe versus Alec Woods by Gavin Extence on my Kindle - I think you may like the humour!! PS enjoying the Blog x

Dinks x said...

Yes already been introduced to him Mawdawl. His names hamish ;-) xx

Dinks x said...

Thanks Marion and you are so right. I aim to do just that xx

Dinks x said...

Thanks Angela - think I will have a look at that one xx

Unknown said...

Lovin the blog petal, its like reading your own wee book! Makes me smile, giggle and go awww :) i'm a bit like you when it comes to the kindle though. I await the next chapter ... xxx

Dinks x said...

Thanka Gillian - that's much appreciated. Yep I agree the kindle's great but you don't perservere with a book as much as you would have with a real book. xx